For years after he wrote his controversial book, he lived in a high castle, armed and secured against would-be Nazi assassins. After his death, scholars and critics began to revisit Dick’s work, and today he is considered a master of speculative fiction-in fact, he was the first science fiction author included in the prestigious Library of America series. Hawthorne Abendsen, the best-selling author of the speculative novel The Grasshopper Lies Heavy, is the man in the high castle of the book’s title. Dick’s drug abuse led him to operate with a great deal of paranoia, and eventually, to an untimely death he passed away in in 1982, at the age of 54. Professionally, Dick’s work was popular but did not garner the critical praise he so aspired to (though The Man in the High Castle, winner of the prestigious Hugo Award, was an exception). All because some twenty years earlier the United States lost a warand is now occupied by Nazi Germany and Japan. In San Francisco, the I Ching is as common as the Yellow Pages. Personally, Dick struggled with romantic relationships (he was married and divorced five times) and with an addiction to amphetamines. : Man in the High Castle, The (The Man in the High Castle): 0889290448743: Philip K. Soon after graduating from UC Berkeley, Dick became a full-time writer, producing science-fiction stories and novels with incredible speed. It is written in 1962 and many things from the book described. This absence had profound consequences on Dick’s family life: his parents divorced before he was in kindergarten, and he and his mother moved, first to Washington, D.C. I had read interesting things about this book so I wanted to love it. It opens in the early 1960’s where half of the United States is under rule of Nazi Germany in the Greater Nazi Reich and the other half is under the influence of Imperial Japan in the Pacific States of America. The Oracle sounds like something out of science fiction. The Man in the High Castle takes place in a world where the Axis powers won World War II. Dick as an innovator in science fiction while breaking the barrier between science. Abendsen finally confesses that the oracle was the source of the entire Grasshopper novel he consulted the I Ching to determine the characters, the historical. This harrowing, Hugo Awardwinning novel is the work that established Philip K. Tagomi refers to her simply as The Oracle. In San Francisco, the I Ching is as common as the Yellow Pages. She inhabits the world of the unseen and is the trusted counselor to Trade Minister Tagomi. The most interesting character in Amazon Prime's Man in the High Castle is one whom we never meet. Dick was born a twin, but his baby sister died only a few months after their birth. Man in the High Castle and the Oracle/I Ching.